Evil Nine are an English electronic music duo comprising members Tom Beaufoy and Patrick Pardy. 'Pearl Shot' (feat. Juice Aleem) - Marine Parade (18 October 2004). Pearl Shot Evil Nine. Album You Can Be Special Too. Pearl Shot Lyrics. Waste your time, waste your time, waste your time You ain't never gonna mess with my mind. Evil Nine - Crooked Marine Parade Nirvana - Freeland - Smellslike Freeland; Evil Nine And Juice Aleem - Pearl Shot Marine Parade Fex - I Want Your Heart Marine Parade Bassbintwins - Woah; Radiohead vs Evil 9 - Idioteque - Crooked; Thomas Bangalter - Outrage - Paris By Night Roule Whitestripes - Freeland - 7 Nation Army; No Love.
They wake, they fall, they cry, they live
They fight, they fail, they die, they live
They hope, they try, they turn, they live
They walk, they lie, they love, they live
They wake, they fall, they cry, they live
They fight, they fail, they die, they live
They hope, they try, they turn, they live
They walk, they lie, they love, they live
They wake, they fall, they cry, they live
They fight, they fail, they die, they live
They hope, they try, they turn, they live
They walk, they lie, they love, they live
They wake, they fall, they cry, they live
They fight, they fail, they die, they live
They hope, they try, they turn, they live
They walk, they lie, they love, they live
They wake, they fall, they cry, they live
They fight, they fail, they die, they live
They hope, they try, they turn, they live
They walk, they lie, they love, they live
They wake, they fall, they cry, they live
They fight, they fail, they die, they live
They hope, they try, they turn, they live
They walk, they lie, they love, they live
They wake, they fall, they cry, they live
They fight, they fail, they die, they live
They hope, they try, they turn, they live
They walk, they lie, they love, they live
They wake, they fall, they cry, they live
They fight, they fail, they die, they live
They hope, they try, they turn, they live
They walk, they lie, they love, they live
They wake, they fall, they cry, they live
They fight, they fail, they die, they live
They hope, they try, they turn, they live
They walk, they lie, they love, they live
They wake, they fall, they cry, they live
They fight, they fail, they die, they live
They hope, they try, they turn, they live
They walk, they lie, they love, they live
They wake, they fall, they cry, they live
They fight, they fail, they die, they live
They hope, they try, they turn, they live

Saali tu maani nahi shehzad roy. Lyrics submitted by kardboredbocks
'They Live!' as written by Tom Beaufoy Chris Pardy

Lyrics © Royalty Network

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Evil Nine Pearl Shot Case

Evil Nine Pearl Shot Band
'Evil Nine - Y4K'Evil Nine Pearl Shot 45-70
Evil Nine - Y4K
With the Y4K series established at the forefront of breaks compilations the time is right to bring in breakbeat´s hottest propert - the duo that is Evil Nine.
For those that don´t know, but maybe should, Evil Nine are Tom Beaufoy and Pat Pardy and they´re at the top of their game; deriving their own musical flavour from multiple influences - hip hop, funk, deep house garage rock and techno amongst them.
Y4K is their first compilation and what an inspired selection of tracks it features - from Freeland, Heel and Toe (Evil Nine Mix), Evil Nine – Pearlshot, False Prophet – Wake Up and Stone Lions – Snow Over Arizona as well as exclusives from Bassbin Twins and False Prophet (PMT), it´s tracklist is as every bit cutting edge as the mix itself. As tough as nails, the album is a rocky, proggy, breaky and housey selection of cleverly chosen tracks laced with organic drums, live guitars and vocals with no shortage of attitude.
Their debut album ´You Can Be Special Too´ was shown much love from the likes of Pete Tong, Zane Lowe, Laurent Garnier, Plump DJs, Eddy TM, Q Magazine, Mixmag… with their unique style and approach to music evident throughout this project… echoing in many ways the feel of the acclaimed artist album. Their punk rock, DIY attitude is stamped all over the enclosed album, as yet again they try to take it one step further, one level up from the norm or perceived. They are all about not playing it safe and here they play with the compilation format for the first time and with great success.
The Y4K series can already boast Hybrid, Soul of Man, Phil K and, most recently, Ali B as contributors to one of the finest and most loved compilation series. Evil Nine keep with the quality and keep with the vibe. Enjoy the journey… - Progressive Sounds