Tools Needed :
- Blackberry device simulator from: – you need to register
- WinHex debugger
WinHex 18.2 Full version 2015 Crack, WinHex 18.2 Serial keys.Op com activation code generator. Download keygen,crack,serial. Codes Download OPCOM Activation. Jun 15, 2014 - Deleted my old opcom ran this version without installing drivers it works perfect. But when I start program OPcom it asking for activation code! 7 results - Op-com Prof. WinHex 19.4 Crack + Serial Key Full Version Free Download WinHex 19.4 is a hex that is universal specially built to help you recover data, make use of low-level information, also it protection. It allows to concatenate, analyze, unify, split, convert, and compare files. WinHex 18.2 Full version 2015 Crack, WinHex 18.2 Serial keys.Op com activation code generator. Download keygen,crack,serial. Codes Download OPCOM Activation. Jun 15, 2014 - Deleted my old opcom ran this version without installing drivers it works perfect.
After installing all the needed applications go to the simulator directory and copy the dmpclean.bat in the Simulator directory. Then create a shortcut for and the Simulator batch file to your desktop for easy access.
Example: My File location C:Program Files (x86)Research In MotionBlackBerry Smartphone Simulators (9000-yourname)
Shortcuts to copy to desktop are 9000-yourname.bat and dmpclean.bat
Once this is done go to desktop and locate the files.
Open the the Simulator batch file by right clicking on your mouse and them clicking on EDIT
The file will contain the following:

@echo off
fledge.exe /title=”Blackberry 9000 Simulator -yourname” /app=Jvm.dll /handheld=9000 /session=9000 /app-param=DisableRegistration /app-param=JvmAlxConfigFile:9000-yourname.xml /data-port=0x4d44 /data-port=0x4d4e /pin=0x12345678
You now need to change the /pin=0x12345678 to your own PIN, press and hold Atl H on your blackberry to get your PIN THEN CHANGE /pin=0x(YOUR-PIN)
We will be using 21383c9c for testing purposes, but you can use your own
Next open the Simulator you downloaded and installed and follow the steps:
Winhex Registration Code
Step 1.
Step 2.
Step 3.
Step 4.

After you completed the steps above the application you are trying to crack will be loaded into the simulator.
Now navigate to the application within the Simulator as if it were your handheld and open the application.
The Next Step is to open WINHEX

Then you Need to View and put a checkmark in Text Display Only
Next Either press Alt-F9 or go to Tool and Select Open RAM
This little box opens up
Once you Find Fledge
This window will pop up… Now go back to the Simulator
Once Window Opens go back to the Simulator and Enter a Random license key that you will remember, do not use 123456, in this case we will use 51573 the scroll to submit and ok you will see this screen
Winhex Registration Codes
Go Back to WinHex and press Ctrl-F a search box will appear Enter the Fake key you entered in the Simulator
Next you will see this:
Since we did not find the string Needed we Press F3 and look for it again, in this case we found it in the second try, but this is not always the case.
Dr 2080c driver windows 7 32-bit. We now have the serial, so we can test it in the Simulator. I enter the code I found and… we are registered.
Winhex Register Code
Every time you need to look for a code run the dmpclean.bat file to reset the Simulator.
Extra notes:
- The Real Serial can be found at different locations:
- Close to the fake serial
- Close to the PIN in Hexadecimal (when you press Alt-H on your handheld
- Close to the PIN in Decimal format that you’ve converted using Windows calculator in Advanced mode
- At times the serial can be at the beginning of a long repetitive string. 147852369000 the code can be 14785, you will need to play around in order to find it.
- Now for the Code Made Easy. Below you’ll strings that always show up close to the Real serial.
- In this case when looking in the Memory MAP you can enter a string that I’ve posted in the Ctrl-B option and the serial will be close by. When you can’t find a serial try using an older version app since the serials for the updates are usually the same.
Hacking any software is illegal and there can and probably will be legal consequences, I do not encourage or endorse this at all. Developers work hard to make these programs and by not purchasing the software you are taking food off their table. This tutorial is strictly for testing purposes and of course Fun only.
If you like the software please purchase it, they are not expensive and most of the time they are worth much more then they charge. You will also be able to get full support from the developers.
Some applications can crash your device due to bugs in the code and you will have absolutely no support from anyone unless you have purchased it.